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高一英语作文 篇1

Tennis is the world’s third sport, it ranks after football and basketball. Every year, a lot of audience keeps their eyes on the four grand slam championships. It is known to all that Wimbledon has the oldest history and the tennis players treat it as the greatest honor to win it. This year, the local player Murray won it again.

The famous male tennis players are Big 4. They almost won all the important championships during the last ten years. But Murray was in the awkward situation though he was one of the Big 4, he never won the grand slam, what’s more, people in England put so much hope on him to win Wimbledon Championship. When Murray made it he cried out and felt relieved.

When the second time he won, he cried out again though he did not have so much pressure as before. The fans knew that he had a hard time after his first great honor, people started to qustioned about his ability. But he proved himself again.

Every player has his honor hour and the bad time, the more important is to never give up, then honor will come again.

高一英语作文 篇2

Never shall I forget the first English lesson given by Miss Liu. On that day, when she entered the classroom, we found that she was a young and beautiful lady with a big smile on her face. Then she introduced herself saying that we should call her Miss Liu instead of Teacher Liu, a moment later, she let all of us go to the blackboard and say something about ourselves in English in turn. When it was my turn, I felt so shy and fearful that I didn’t dare to say a word before the class. She came up to me and said kindly, Don’t be afraid. I believe you can do it. Come and have a try.

My face turned red when I heard that. At last, I went to the blackboard and was able to do it quite well. She praised for what I had done. Up to now, I can still remember her words in the first English lesson: Practice makes perfect. Don’t lose your courage when you meet with difficulties. Try on and on until you succeed.

高一英语作文 篇3

Made in China was once the presentation of low price and bad quality. Inwestern movies, when people saw the label of Made in China, they would look downupon the products, or just made fun of these products.

But now, Chinese productsastonish foreigners by good quality and low price, and many of them are willingto spend money on the products that labelled with Made in China. Chen Guangximade a speech in the New York University about the changes of Made in China. Hesaid when he started his business and sought cooperation with foreignmanufacturers, they refused, because they feared Chinese quality.

Now hisbusiness is successful and many foreigners are willing to do business with him.The great change shows the rise of China. In the future, more Chinese productswill be admitted in the world.

高一英语作文 篇4

As soon as I was enrolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind. So did my classmates. We just wanted to relax. But at our first English Lesson onhow to improve our study the teacher told us," There is no end to learning. Youcan only become a top student with additional work." And she says hard work isrewarding.

The teacher's words awakened me. In fact everyone in the world is alwayslearning. Man's talents are like wild plants. They need cutting and pruning withthe tool of learning, We lears not only inside the classroom but also outsidethe classroom. Learning is a process in which man adapts to his surroundings. Itis driven by man's desire to win respect and to contribute to society. It is thecuriosity for knowledge stimulated by knowledge itself." To learn is to beyoung. Not to learn is to die." This saying applies to every society and to allages.

高一优秀英语作文 篇5

Cactuses are used to living in desert. The whole body of a cactus is green. The stalk is oval and there are thorns all over its body. Actually the thorns in their bodies are their leaves. The leaves are like this only because they can stop the water in their bodies from evaporating into the hot and dry air. The cactuses have long roots and they take their roots deep into the earth so that they can get the water from deeper,soil.

Their flowers are always small and white.Although they are ignored in the desert, they never give up coming ont and alwaysdecorate the desert silently.

高一英语作文 篇6

An Unforgettable Experience

This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.

In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldnt believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.

After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.

In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.

Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didnt feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.

高一英语作文 篇7

Raised In Rich and Poor Way

In China, most people believe that boys should be raised in the poor way while the girls should be in the rich way. The poor way means to let the kids do things by their own and their parents won’t be satisfied them all the time. So the rich way means to take care of the kids carefully and pay attention to them. No matter which way the parents carry on, I think it is not the suitable way to raise a kid. Whether the kid is a boy or a girl, they need to be nursed both in the rich and poor ways. It is the parents’ duty to take care of their kids, so they should be patient and kind. But when the children make mistakes, parents should not spoiled them. Kids must be educated and corrected their wrong action. Only in this way the kids can be taught well.

高一英语作文 篇8

Every student is excited about the freshmen year, they are looking forward to seeing their classmates and will open the new chapter of their lives. While when the senior year comes, it means saying goodbye to their classmates and is it time to leave school. Freshmen year brings happiness and senior year brings sorrow, students don’t want to say goodbye to their classmates, after the long time’s acquaintance, classmates have built strong friendship, it is hard to say goodbye. In China, there is an old saying that all good things must come to an end, for every student, they will leave school and fight for each other’s future.

Though senior year is a little sad, it is another turning point for the students, they some will find a job, some will study abroad, all of them are fighting for their future. Senior year in not the end, it is the beginning.